Animation Studio DAR
Animation film //2018 //8'18 // Russia
Script, director, art-director by Arhip Varfolomeev
Mentor by Olga Panikovskaya
Music by Krzysztof Penderecki
Sounds designer by Andrey Kadomtsev
Enspirer and editor by Ekaterina Gardener
Producer by Animation studio DAR
All the dogs in this city believe that a magic bone will help them! The nomadic cats led by Khan Catirius attack the prosperous dog city. Only the main character, Dogge Bob, is convinced that the greed and rudeness will be defeated by Common sense and Intellect!
«The Best Animated Film» 18th Camera Zizanio, Pyrgos, Greece, 2018
«The Best Animated Film» The International KidsNFilm Festival, Solano country, California, 2018
«The Grand Prix» Russian festival audiovisual arts «Полярная сова», Norilsk, Russia, 2018
«The Best Animated Film» Russian festival of short films «Короче», Belovo, Russia, 2018
«The Best Animated Film» XXIII International Festival «Кино-детям», Samara, Russia, 2018
«The Best short film made by children» International Animation Festival AJAYU, Puno, Peru, 2018
«The Best Animated Film» Russian festival of theater and cinema «Green Fest»,Novosibirsk, Russia, 2018
«The Best Animated Film» Russian film festival «Молодой киновек»,Krasnodar, Russia, 2018
The Prizewinner of the Russian competition of children's animation studios "Утренняя зарядка", Suzdal, Russia, 2019
«The Best Animated Film» Russian Open Animation Festival " Живые картинки", Arkhangelsk, Russia, 2019
"Super International Public's Award" Super International Teenager Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania, 2019
«The Grand Prix» 7th European festival of animated films for children and youth "Animator Fest", Jagodin, Serbia 2019
«Best film created by children» The 11th International Festival of animated film TOFUZI, Batumi, Geogria, 2019
«The Best Animated Film» The Wicked Wales International Youth Film Festival, Wales, England, 2019
«The Best Animated Film» The International Film Festival KinodueL, Minsk, Belarus, 2019
Animation film //2019 //6'50 // Russia
Script, director, art-director by Arhip Varfolomeev
Mentor by Olga Panikovskaya
Music by Krzysztof Penderecki
Sounds designer by Andrey Kadomtsev
Enspirer and editor by Ekaterina Gardener
Producer by Animation studio DAR
Whatever happens is for the better! A chain of random events lead to the most unusual circumstances.
«The Best Animated Film» Chiyoko International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival, Zurich, Switzerland, 2019
The Laureate of the Russian competition of children's animation studios "Утренняя зарядка", Suzdal, Russia, 2019
"The junior finalists" Fresh International Film Festival, Limerick, Ireland, 2020
"Semi-finalist" International film festival Children Cinema Adwards, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020
"Second Prize in MIDI category" International film festival VAFI&RAFI, Varaždin, Groatia, 2020
"2ND PLACE win in the ANIMATION/STOP MOTION 13-17" The International KidsNFilm Festival, Solano country, California 2020
Animation film //2016 //2'01 // Russia
Script, director, art-director by Arhip Varfolomeev
Music by Dmitry Kobalevsky
Enspirer and editor by Ekaterina Ogorodnikova
Producer by Animation studio DAR
Immerse yourself in your imagination! Believe in miracles and they will come true! The life -it is the magic, you just believe!
The Russian creative contest "The Star of Fortune", Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2017
"chiyoko" Switzerland, 2016
The contest of musical cartoons Suzdal, Russia, 2017
"Мульт- Горой" Krasnoyrsk, Russia, 2017
REC-Filmfestival Berlin, 2017
«ТаЁЖкины сказки» Megion, Russia, 2017
Camera Zizanio, Greece, 2017
Cinemire Children's Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary, 2018
VAFI&RAFI Animation Film Festival, Varaždin, Croatia, 2018
A-FestFilmROZAFA , Shkodra, Albania 2018
KIDS MOVIE FEST, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2018
Pochatok Film Festival, Marhanets, Ukraine, 2018
"Радость миру", Novosibirsk, Russia, 2018
ENIMATION, Maribor, Slovenia, 2018
"Главный кадр", Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, 2018
Young International Film Festival , New Delhi, India, 2018
MICE Film Festival , Valencia, Madrid 2019